by Andreas Neudecker

Introducing the kafka R Package

by Mira Céline Klein

Measure, compare, optimize: data-driven decisions with A/B testing

by Guido Schulz

Who’s best in class? Comparing forecasting models with a Predictive Analytics Cube (PAC)

by Mira Céline Klein

Automated Excel Reports with Python

by Mira Céline Klein

Code performance in R: Working with large datasets

by Mira Céline Klein

Code performance in R: Parallelization

by Mira Céline Klein

Code performance in R: How to make code faster

by Mira Céline Klein

Code performance in R: Which part of the code is slow?

by Andreas Neudecker

shinyMatrix - Matrix Input for Shiny Apps

by Michelle Golchert

Data Visualization in R vs. Python

by Marina Wyss

Debugging in R: How to Easily and Efficiently Conquer Errors in Your Code

by Marina Wyss

Multi-Armed Bandits as an A/B Testing Solution

by David Berscheid

Best Practice: Development of Robust Shiny Dashboards as R Packages

by Andreas Neudecker

Shiny Modules

by David Berscheid

rsync as R package

by Sebastian Warnholz

Using Modules in R

by Steffen Wagner

ggCorpIdent: Stylize ggplot2 Graphics in Your Corporate Design

by Sarah Wagner

R Markdown Template for Business Reports

by Sarah Wagner

Cluster Analysis - Part 2: Hands On

by Sarah Wagner

Cluster Analysis - Part 1: Introduction

by Sebastian Warnholz

Optimize your R Code using Memoization

by Marcus Groß

Introducing the Kernel Heaping Package III

by Matthäus Deutsch

Do GPU-based Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) improve the performance of standard modeling techniques in R?

by Marcus Groß

Introducing the Kernelheaping Package II

by Sebastian Warnholz

Design Patterns in R

by Sebastian Warnholz

smoothScatter with ggplot2

by Marcus Groß

Introducing the Kernelheaping Package

by Mira Céline Klein

INWT's guidelines for R code

by Sebastian Warnholz

A Not So Simple Bar Plot Example Using ggplot2

by Sebastian Warnholz

Promises and Closures in R

by Sarah Wagner

Plane Crash Data - Part 2: Google Maps Geocoding API Request

by Sarah Wagner

Plane Crash Data - Part 3: Visualisation

by Mira Céline Klein

A meaningful file structure for R projects

by Sarah Wagner

Plane Crash Data - Part 1: Web Scraping

by Marcus Groß

Who will win the 2017 Bundestag election?

by Sarah Wagner

100 grams of Lego, please.