by Till Bethge

Predictive LLMs: Can open source models outperform OpenAI when it comes to price forecasts?

by Andreas Neudecker

Introducing the kafka R Package

by Sarah Wagner

XGBoost vs. LLMs for Predictive Analytics

by Mira Céline Klein

Optimization of Signal Detection Using Machine Learning

by Till Bethge

Predictive LLMs: Can GPT-3.5 enhance XGBoost predicitions?

by Mira Céline Klein & Sarah Wagner

Business Case: ESG Reporting Platform

by Sarah Wagner

Demystifying Encoding in MariaDB/MySQL: Tips to prevent Data Nightmares

by Sarah Wagner

Business Case: Real-time fraud detection platform

by Lukas Fuchs

Business Case: Bayesian forecast model for the German federal elections

by Mira Céline Klein & Milan Flach

Business Case: Customized stack for automated air pollutant forecasting in Berlin

by Antonia Runge

Refactoring: An Introduction

by Mira Céline Klein

Success Factors for Data Science Projects

by Mira Céline Klein

Measure, compare, optimize: data-driven decisions with A/B testing

by Steffen Wagner

Interpretability of AI Models with XAI

by Guido Schulz

Who’s best in class? Comparing forecasting models with a Predictive Analytics Cube (PAC)

by Steffen Wagner

White Paper: Customer Segmentation

by Mira Céline Klein

Automated Excel Reports with Python

by Steffen Wagner

White Paper: Customer Lifetime Value

by Michelle Golchert

The World of Containers: Introduction to Docker

by Sebastian Cattes

Pandas DataFrame Validation with Pydantic - Part 2

by Sebastian Cattes

Pandas DataFrame Validation with Pydantic

by Jan Blechschmidt

Understand Customer Decision Making: Discrete Choice Models with RStan

by Mira Céline Klein

Code performance in R: Working with large datasets

by Mira Céline Klein

Code performance in R: Parallelization

by Jianyin Roachell

How to Automate a Website Image Crawler Twitter Bot

by Mira Céline Klein

Code performance in R: How to make code faster

by Mira Céline Klein

Code performance in R: Which part of the code is slow?

by Jan Blechschmidt

Understand customer decision making: Discrete choice models in marketing

by Ulrich Rendtel

The Representation of Corona Incidence Figures in Space and Time

by Marcus Groß

COVID-19: Heat Map of Local 7-day Incidences over Time

by Steffen Wagner

White Paper: Attribution 2.0

by Jianyin Roachell

Reflecting on 2020 US Election Forecasts: 10 Takeaways for Data Scientists

by Marina Wyss

Churn Analysis for Attracting and Retaining High-Value Customers

by Sebastian Cattes

Python Christmas Decoration

by Marina Wyss

Protecting Your Database from SQL Injections

by Marina Wyss

Reinforcement Learning for Marketing: Lessons and Challenges

by Michelle Golchert

Continuous Integration: Introduction to Jenkins

by Sarah Wagner

Continuous Integration: What it is, Why it Matters, and Tools to Get Started

by Marina Wyss

Understanding and Handling Missing Data

by Andreas Neudecker

shinyMatrix - Matrix Input for Shiny Apps

by Marina Wyss

Building a Strong Data Science Team from the Ground Up

by Michelle Golchert

Data Visualization in R vs. Python

by Marina Wyss

Debugging in R: How to Easily and Efficiently Conquer Errors in Your Code

by Sebastian Cattes

Marketing Mix Modeling - How Does Advertising Really Work?

by Marina Wyss

Multi-Armed Bandits as an A/B Testing Solution

by Marina Wyss

Data Quality and the Importance of Data Stewardship

by David Berscheid

Best Practice: Development of Robust Shiny Dashboards as R Packages

by Amit Ghosh

What's the Best Statistical Software? A Comparison of R, Python, SAS, SPSS and STATA

by Andreas Neudecker

Shiny Modules

by Steffen Wagner

Best Practice in TV Tracking: Why a Simple Baseline Correction Falls Short!

by David Berscheid

rsync as R package

by Sebastian Warnholz

Using Modules in R

by Steffen Wagner

ggCorpIdent: Stylize ggplot2 Graphics in Your Corporate Design

by Sarah Wagner

R Markdown Template for Business Reports

by Sarah Wagner

Cluster Analysis - Part 2: Hands On

by Sarah Wagner

Cluster Analysis - Part 1: Introduction

by Sebastian Warnholz

Optimize your R Code using Memoization

by Marcus Groß

Introducing the Kernel Heaping Package III

by Matthäus Deutsch

Do GPU-based Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) improve the performance of standard modeling techniques in R?

by Marcus Groß

Introducing the Kernelheaping Package II

by Jonathan Bob

Prediction: Who will win the 2018 World Cup?

by Sebastian Warnholz

Design Patterns in R

by Sebastian Warnholz

smoothScatter with ggplot2

by Marcus Groß

Introducing the Kernelheaping Package

by Mira Céline Klein

INWT's guidelines for R code

by Steffen Wagner

Business Case: Predictive Customer Journey (PCJ)

by Steffen Wagner

Business Case: Spillover Analysis

by Sebastian Warnholz

A Not So Simple Bar Plot Example Using ggplot2

by Mira Céline Klein

Business Case: Customer Segmentation

by Marcus Groß

Business Case: Spatial Data Visualization

by Sebastian Warnholz

Promises and Closures in R

by Sarah Wagner

Plane Crash Data - Part 2: Google Maps Geocoding API Request

by Sarah Wagner

Plane Crash Data - Part 3: Visualisation

by Mira Céline Klein

A meaningful file structure for R projects

by Sarah Wagner

Plane Crash Data - Part 1: Web Scraping

by Marcus Groß

Who will win the 2017 Bundestag election?

by Martin Badicke

MariaDB monitor

by Sarah Wagner

100 grams of Lego, please.

by Amit Gosh

Business Case: Quality Index

by Steffen Wagner

Business Case: Attribution 2.0

by Steffen Wagner

Business case: Staff Planning

by Steffen Wagner

Business Case: Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

by Steffen Wagner

Business Case: TV Impact

by Sarah Wagner

Business Case: Credit Card Fraud Detection